Strolling Down Memory Lane—Where Have All The Old Friends Gone?
I wonder what ever happened to...
Most people who graduated from small-town schools in Montana probably have a better idea of where some of their classmates are than I do. My graduating class was a little over 500 kids. Because the kids from Malmstrom Air Force Base were bussed to our side of town, we had friends that came and went as their dads were stationed somewhere else.

I can't find my best friend from third grade on Facebook. Andy Stevens and I tore up Riverview on our bikes. One day he moved.
The thing about Facebook when you are searching, is that sometimes the person that you are looking for isn't on Facebook...or they have a name so common, that when you search them, 200 possibilities pop up.
I've got a couple of cousins in Alabama that I've lost touch with, so I searched for them on Facebook. The oldest is David Johnson. Hundreds of possibilities popped up. The younger Johnson is Darrin. Or Darin. Or Darren. Because spelling matters when you are searching.
Because of being on the radio, I'll get an occasional friend request that says something like, "Is this the Mark Wilson that lived on Riverview 5 West?" I've reconnected with a few old classmates that way.
As for the rest of them, there will soon be an RV full of country music knowledge, golf clubs, and beer headed your way sometime in the next 16 months. I can't wait to get caught up on what you've done with your life.
50 Reasons Why Facebook is Annoying
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