Taking Your Kid To See Jeff Dunham?
Jeff Dunham's show is Sunday (1/27/19) at the Rimrock Auto Arena. We gave away a lot of tickets and I had a couple of people tell me they were excited to bring their kids. I won't try and help you make parental decisions, you do as you see fit, but I would suggest that if you have a little one, you head over to YouTube and check out some clips from the live show. You will likely see some kids at the show - from what I read, that's pretty typical, but I don't want anyone to be surprised by the material.
I've never seen the live show in person, but from watching the clips, I'm inclined to say 12 and up have probably heard this stuff unless you run a really tight ship. There is the occasional curse word, which doesn't bother me, but the sexual innuendo might be a little over the top for my 10-year-old, so I'll probably have to pass.
Once again, I don't want to discourage anyone from seeing this show. I'm always happy when we get "arena-sized" comedy roll through Billings. I just don't want anyone to see some cute puppets and think "Oh, my six-year-old will love this" and then be shocked to find out the humor is made for adults.
If you have a kid under 12 and you take them Sunday, please comment and let us know if you think it was a good call.