Year End Thoughts
By the time that you read this, my working year will be over. A policy change at work means we have to use what vacation we have or lose it.
If you were listening this morning, you may have heard about the fir that wiped out Will & Brittany Grundhausers gym. If you want help or attend one of their fundraisers, the website is mmabillings.com.
The Garret Brothers are back. They play the Muzzle Loader Friday & Saturday, 6-10.
The Chase Hawks Rodeo is December 22nd. And it's action packed. And they offer free tickets to veterans.
I want to thank all of the well-wishers who called, e-mailed and messaged today. Paul & I really are humbled by the support that this community has, and continues to give us.
I look forward to spending some time with family and hug some people that I love.
See you in January.
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