Farmer Finishers: Chinese Balloon, Jon Tester’s 1 Minute of Fame with Biden, & Vape Detectors
Another crazy week as we wrap up with every Friday's Farmer Finishers.
No one around can figure out why in the heck we let the Chinese spy balloon finish all of its spy work over the U.S. before we shot it down near the Atlantic.
The State of the Union address was crazy with all the lies and program promises, it's left people with very little faith in the people who are running the country. Jon Tester had a moment on TV shaking the hand of the President. No one seemed to know what the ribbon he was wearing stood for although it was suggested to us that it looked closely like the ones they give at the Fair for the best cows and pigs.
West High has announced that they will put vape detectors in the bathrooms, which will help keep kids safe from the effects of the vapors. Keep in mind there have been no lockdowns this year though because of a vaping threat on the school.
If you missed the story about the man John Deere this morning you can check that one out on our podcast, I think you'll enjoy it.
Big opening this weekend for Candy Town as they move into their new location.

This weekend will also be very busy as the all-state wrestling tourney is held at Metra.
Happy faces, everybody, and you'll make more money. By the way that's another thing that Joe Biden announced they will be coming after now -- your tip money. Fox News reported on it here.
What's next?
Have a great weekend and see ya Monday at 5 a.m.
50 Montana Mullets for Morgan Wallen in Billings
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