Some of this week's more interesting topics covered on our program included

  • Chinese Cialis
  • how my beer never lives to its expiration date
  • the temperature in hell,
  • and whether or not I should start drinking at least a little milk.


  • My Facebook post of the silver Dodge pickup high centered on a rock got a lot of comments.
  • Only played 18 holes this week. Poorly.
  • Congratulations to Shipton's Big R on 70 years in business and also to Tractor & Equipment on 90 years in business.
  • In my picture, you can see about half of our daughter's required school supplies. During this process, I learned that there are items called "map colors" and "scientific calculators."
  • I heard of one mom who complained that the lady in front of her got all of the purple folders that were left and "Would you please put some of those back, so everybody could have some".
  • And on the last day before school starts, I heard another mother complain about how poor the selection of school supplies was.
  • We are taking a little vacation but we'll be back soon.

Thanks for listening. Save Draft.

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