Inauguration, Memes, and Marco Polo: Friday Fragments

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- America Inaugurated a new president this week. On his first day, he stopped the Keystone pipeline. That pipeline would have brought jobs and tax dollars to Montana.
- The Bernie Sanders memes that are all over Facebook are pretty funny. But, it occurs to me that I don't know how to make my own memes.
- I finally watched the movie "Rock Of Ages." Two things. One, I didn't know that Tom Cruise could sing. And two, I am now a huge Julianne Hough fan.
- You've got until February 26 to get your receipts turned in from our "Restaurant Possible" promotion. You only have to eat at 6 of the 10 places on the list and send us all of your receipts. If we pick an entry from somebody that went to all 10 spots on the list, we will pay you double what you spent. The list of restaurants is on our website, catcountry1029.com.
- Have you heard of the Marco Polo app? It's an app where you record video messages for friends and loved ones. Then they can watch what you've recorded and respond when it's convenient for them. I like it because now I hear from my mom every day. And if Judy can master the technology, then you can too.
- As expected, I own somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 masks now because you have to keep one in your vehicle for the times where you forgot to grab your "good mask" at home.
- I'm thinking Tampa Bay and Kansas City in the Superbowl.
- And coming up March 1st, Cat Country turns 33.
Thanks for listening all of these years. See you Monday morning at 5!
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