Is This Still The Best Christmas Gift, Or Is It Stuck In The Past?
The mystery of Christmas gifts.
It's really hard to figure out what the best gifts are anymore because the times have changed so much. Every Christmas, the biggest wish back in the day was a brand-new bicycle.

You don't see very many kids riding bikes anymore. There are a few that still ride to school but for the most part, that type of activity that used to take up all of the day for us is absent. Electronics have replaced most of the effort-required gifts. Heck, it could be part of the reason why we have such a serious obesity problem now with younger kids.
If you are still looking for bikes for Christmas, it's shocking how affordable they are. I looked at Wal-Mart's website and they have some awesome bikes for as little as 58 bucks. Hell, I remember back in the 70's Bikes were 40 - 50 dollars. You can get a decent 18-speed now for 100-120 bucks. These are bikes that would be great for kids.
Since the times have changed so much I think now that adults are more excited about getting a bike than the kids. I still have about 4 or 5 bikes that I have saved so that when I have grandkids, they'll be able to ride...including the famous Mud Shark.
The art of trail making and homemade ramps to jump will soon be forgotten. My kids are older now, but one still mountain bikes. So, I guess this year I will go back to old reliable: CASH. They all seem to be happy with that.
See ya tomorrow at 5.
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