Let’s Talk Turkey With the Flakes
Can you believe that we are one week away from Thanksgiving? Didn't we just celebrate Halloween?
We are busy preparing for this year's Flakesgiving event on Nov 20th.
Our goal again this year is to provide a complete Thanksgiving meal to as many people as we can.
It is support from our great partners and listeners that make this possible every year.
If you would like to donate a meal, meals are $25 and you can call the Flakes at 406-248-5665.
You can make your checks out to Flakesgiving and either mail them to Flakesgiving P.O. Box 1276, Billings, MT 59103 or you can drop off your donation on the 23rd Floor of Crowne Plaza at the Cat Country Studios.
As always, if you are a shut-in or just can't make it out to MetraPark on Saturday to get a meal, we are taking names for deliveries.
Just call Christina at 406-248-7827.
Keeping families together for the holiday is what Flakesgiving is all about.
If you have never been a part of Flakesgiving and you would like to help out, you can either help Friday from 10am to about 11:30am at MetraPark putting the meals together or you can come help on Saturday.
You can help do deliveries or you can help hand out the meals and help carry meals to recipients cars.
Keeping families together for the holiday, helping those in our community and being thankful for all the things we have is what Flakesgiving is all about.