Montana Radio Host vs. Montana Teens: Discussing TV Theme Music Then and Now
If your holiday gathering is going to include me, then you risk having discussions about music. And that was the case at Thanksgiving this year. Our music discussion was about TV theme songs.
I didn't get into which one was the best because there are too many factors. I was talking to one of my daughter's friends who's only 16. So I knew that she couldn't appreciate the theme from the Mary Tyler Moore Show because she's just too young. She told me that she had never heard of the show, but she also had no idea who Sheryl Crow is.
Another factor is technology. These days you can sit down and watch an entire season of a show on your phone.
So I made my case as the theme from The Monkees being the best. It was a catchy tune. And it needed to be because it was about a fictional band. And the lyrics told you what their show was before you even saw the first episode.
The same can be said about the Flintstones, The Jetsons, and Gilligan's Island. The difference is the Monkees' theme was sung by the stars of the show that it was used for.
For all of this incredibly insightful information, I got blank stares from young people. A blank stare that I returned while they tried to school me on who Dua Lipa and Bad Bunny are.
So now we've all agreed at the next holiday gathering we are going back to playing board games and fighting about what the rules for each game are. You know? The old-fashioned way.