Rid Billings Of One Thing
It seems just about anywhere we go people are friendly and make us feel very welcome to be here. I couldn't be more thankful for that.
On the flip side of the coin, I have sat back and thought that if I could rid Billings of one thing, what would it be? That question for me was much harder than I thought it would be.
I have lived in plenty of places where I could fire off multiple answers for that question without hesitation. That is nothing to be proud of. For Billings, that is a different story for me.
I have finally come to a conclusion. My answer is drugs. They are everywhere in every town and my only wish is for a drug-free city. They are a cancer to civilization and I despise them no matter where I am. Other than that, I love this little city.
If you could rid Billings of one thing, what would it be? Tell me about it at 406-248-5665.