Saying Thanks Ahead of Time

I usually try to thank everybody involved in Flakesgiving after the event has concluded. But this year, I'm saying thank you early. But I don't know all the names of everybody to thank.
I do know Chris White's name. He's with Albertsons where we buy all of our groceries for our event. Then, Chris gets his associates to help. All of the banana boxes are saved for us from all of the Albertson's locations around town, which saves our organization money by not having to purchase boxes.
Then, all of the boxes get stored at Briggs Distributing, and again, I don't know all of their employees who help by name, but it's much appreciated.
Same with the truck drivers. I'm told that those trailers full of groceries don't drive themselves down to Metra.
The folks at Franz Bakery donate 1500 packages of rolls every year and make sure that they arrive fresh right before we hand out the meals on Saturday.
I do know some of our "regulars," who have been helping every year for about as long as I can remember. Thanks, Rosemary, Ken, Virgil, Scott, Kimmee, and Kevin.
Thanks to the other folks I only know by nicknames. Guys like Big Puppy, Stevie Soprano, Smilin John, all those ladies in blue coats who I believe are with Charter.
The forecast looks like our weather is going to be nice for our outdoor event Friday and Saturday.
If you're volunteering, please be at Metra by 10:15 a.m. both days.
We'll be easy to spot. We look like a produce sale.
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