Thank You, Billings, You Did It
Today we hit $50,000 (according to me, official treasurer of Flakesgiving Fund) for the body cameras for the men in blue (official recognized color of police). The cameras, which will cost $131,000 (a city council meeting estimate according to Chief St.John) are more important now than ever (did not need police in the year 22 AD). Because we have to prove everything we write (official Townsquare Media memo to Post editors), you'll be glad to know that many of the donations all came from private citizens of Billings (based on local addresses on envelopes). Thank you so much for all of your help. Billings is the best place to live and to raise a family (according to a recent survey done by USA Today [EDITOR'S NOTE: because a link was not provided this fact could not be confirmed, though the editor agrees with the opinion]). See you tomorrow at 5 (based on average start times of 32 years of Flakes shows).