What’s the Best Thing About Your Job?

What's the best part about your chosen profession? Do you even like what you do for a job? I know many that don't, and I feel sorry for them. I'm not in that boat. I am fortunate to like almost everything related to working in radio.
Let's see. The best part of my job could be a lot of different things. I'm done working for the day (usually) by 10 a.m. I never have two days that are exactly the same. The time just races by on the days when we're both fired up about our topic for that particular day.
When I was younger, I would complain about having to get out of bed so early. But over the years my body has adapted and I'm wide awake by 3 a.m. every day. So I might as well go to work, right?
In the early days of my radio career, it wasn't nearly as fun. Most of us on-air started by working the overnight shift. It's not glamorous. It features working all alone, talking to any random drunk with time to kill, and low pay. Want to sign up?
It got better quickly for me. Soon, I was working during daylight hours and had actual people in the building!
If you like concerts, then you'd like my job. I've met most of the country stars whose music I like. It's always interesting to get a minute or two with someone whose records that you've been playing their entire careers.
A couple of my favorite artists who took the time to chat include Patty Loveless, Merle Haggard, Garth Brooks and all the guys in Sawyer Brown.
So, do you love your job? Let me know.
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