33 Years and an Unexpected Guest: Friday Fragments
- The first round of golf 2021 is in the books. My stats: one sand trap, only a couple trees and no birdies.
- I can't believe how fast the price of gas has gone up since January.
- I finally made the effort to see the Tik Tok video with the guy riding a skateboard drinking cranberry juice and lip-synching "Dreams" by Fleetwood Mac. Can somebody explain to me why this got 26 million views?
- Some of the news this past week found some folks not liking the gender of Mr. Potato Head.
- And some found six books by Dr. Suess to contain some racist things.
- I won't get the Covid-19 shot when it becomes available.
- The hotel where our radio station was apparently so full that we had somebody sleeping in our control room yesterday morning. It was OK, he brought his own champagne.
- Monday was the 33rd anniversary of this signal becoming Cat Country. I don't know how many Cat Countrys there are across the country, but I know that we were the first one. The way we set up our station became a template for all of the others that followed.
- I didn't get around to writing about some of the really great people that I've had the pleasure of working with here over the years. Some are still friends. And sadly, some of them are no longer with us. But now that I think about it, maybe I should tell some stories about the really bad people that I've had to endure. I've got plenty of those stories.
- Lastly, I am amazed by the popularity of Cat Country's 33rd-anniversary hoodies. I'll stay on management to try to get more of those to give out. We also have other Cat Country merch, check out our store.
If I haven't told you lately, I'm extremely grateful for all the years of support from you. It's very much appreciated.
LOOKING BACK: The Cat County All-Stars
If you're a newer listener, you may not be aware that Cat Country had its own basketball team that traveled around Montana.
BREATHTAKING: Photos of Montana Sunsets
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