Iconic MT Highway Open, Tina Turner in Person, & Lockwood’s Valedictorian
Well.....our app got messed up this morning. We know it. We're sorry. I've been told that they're working on it. A thousand times. It's extremely frustrating for us too.
Paul and I had a great week on the air. Topics like the buffalo calf that some guy saved from drowning and the uproar that it has caused.
Beartooth Pass should be open now.
We lost a giant in the music world this week. Tina Turner passed away at the age of 83. I grew up on her records because my folks love her music so she got played a lot in our house. I got to see her in concert in Tacoma, WA back in 1987. And she was amazing.
Tom and Scott came in to talk about the Shoot For Youth Golf Tournament coming up on June 23rd. All the money raised helps local kids. Plus you get a steak dinner.
Emily Pennington is graduating with her classmate, thanks largely to people who cared and showed up when they were needed.
And even if you're not somebody who goes to websites to search things out, I hope you go to our website and listen to the valedictorian speech given on our show by Taylor Kiel of Lockwood High School.
Her school has chosen to not honor academic achievement. So we had a plaque made and gave her some air time to give the speech that she should have been allowed to give during graduation ceremonies.
And it was awesome. Goosebumps. And hearing her story and seeing what she has achieved, is one of the most wonderful things that you'll ever hear. Strong work, young lady.
Be safe over the holiday.
Rockers Who Collaborated With Tina Turner
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