Hats off to Mike Piggs, the director of Parks and Rec here in Billings. He said we'll deal with what we are allocated. Good for him—finally, someone with an ounce of fiscal responsibility.

There was an article today in the paper, and the people behind this huge push to spend, spend, spend on recreation can't understand why they aren't getting the support they want. It's simple: inflation and high taxes are killing the average person. My dad always used to say your eyes were too big for your plate. That's one of the problems with city rec supporters; people can only do so much at one time. We are just a very small city, but we want to pay for the things that a city of one million would have. We just can't absorb all this wish list stuff at one time.

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There's no doubt that the first priority should be the South Park pool. That thing was built at the beginning of time, like 1913, and really needs to be replaced. We also need higher user fees to help pay for operation and maintenance after they are built. Another big push is to complete the bike trail loop. Great, then help pay for it. Bikes are the only things that don't require a sticker or license to use the trails. If you walk your dog on it, the dog needs a license. You need one to put a boat or canoe on a lake or river. You need one for a camper or to drive cars on roads—everything except a bike, where trails and maintenance cost millions. Help pay, then maybe things will happen.

See you tomorrow at 5.

The Top 5 RV Parks in Montana

When you need more than just a campground, you might need an RV park! Especially if you like to travel the country in a proper Recreational Vehicle, you need to know where to find good places to park for a few days. Montana is home to some very fine RV parks. Here are some of the best that Montana has to offer when you're on the road.

Gallery Credit: mwolfe

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