So many of the problems we have today are generational. The new ones don't know what the last ones did. Then it continues, and we lose all the common sense from the past generations. I asked Mark this morning if he had any idea what they teach in today's sex education classes. Can you imagine how that has changed over the last 30 years? The things we were taught are probably not even mentioned anymore.

We received an article this morning about the sex education courses they are teaching in Paraguay. Folks, they're old school. Officials knew they needed to do a better job since they had such a high teen pregnancy rate. The AP said that they take an ultraconservative approach that promotes abstinence, explains sex as God's intention for married people, and warns that condoms can't be trusted. There is no mention of sexual orientation or identity or any other accepted choices today's society makes.

Here's one that will really make progressives mad: they teach their students that girls should be careful how they dress because it has an impact on how a male chooses to behave. Heck, I'm just glad that these kids will know the difference between a man and a woman. Their curriculum teaches young adults how to treat others with respect and to cultivate healthy relationships. Critics, of course, say that this perpetuates sexist stereotypes. I know which one of these courses I would prefer, but then again, as I said at the start, so many things now are generational.

See you tomorrow at 5.

Why Millennial Parents are Better at Parenting than the Other Generations

Yes, I said it, and I will go ahead and hang out on this high horse. From Gentle parenting to just flat-out listening to kids, the Millennials have set a standard that can only get better.

Gallery Credit: Aly

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