The Flakes Trip: Annual Break For 140 Lucky Individuals
It comes around so fast anymore.
Today is our last day as we will be embarking on our 28th Flakes Trip. It really is indescribable. You have to go on one to know what the euphoria is all about.
For me, personally, it's one of the highlights of the year. It's my big break before we turn around at the ranch and start the year all over again.
I usually never get a break unless I go to a wedding over a weekend or see my mom for a few days, but those things aren't really vacations. Time schedules, places to be, and more...and they usually are whirlwind things. Quickly in quickly out.
A week's worth of recharging the batteries for another year with 140 other people from Montana just like you. They've all worked hard and are ready to spoil themselves.
As we wind down our career, you really should if you are able try to make one of these memory makers. You never know what may change in your life or how your health is going to hold up. As you know, Mark and I are getting near the end of what has been a great rewarding career and we just want all of you to know how much we appreciate all of your support and listenership. You are the reason why it will be so hard to leave someday.
By the way, you all enabled us to jumpstart Tumbleweed's new expansion project for kids so thank you.
Stay safe and we'll see you when we get back from Mexico.
Some Tempting Reasons To Move To Mexico
Gallery Credit: Dr. T